I Ching | Hexagram 15
I Ching
Hexagram 15
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Help pull your partner out of his shell. Strive to notice what is right and then constantly do it. Do not give in to doubts about the wisdom of right conduct. Modesty breeds success. Don’t take things at face value – learn to look beneath the surface. Arrogance is the mortal enemy of true greatness.

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Maybe you don't understand the answer, maybe you don't think the answer is right. But this is what Ching advises you to do. Of course, you can draw another hexagram until you find the answer you want, but then you miss out on the wisdom and progress that the I Ching wants to help you achieve.

The answer is the essence of what the hexagram advises you. The complete meaning is found in the Book of Transformations. It is through the intuitive interpretation of the hexagram that the I Ching provides the opportunity to learn to act correctly and wisely in life's situations.

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