Represents the mental plane. They reflect our mental states. You can also call it the mental plane of consciousness. When you draw a card from Swords it points to the intellectual quality of thoughts, attitudes and beliefs. Swords point to activity that takes place on the mental plane of consciousness.
When we start to reflect and process the physical reality we are in the swords.
Arcana Minor (the Little Mysteries) covers from No. 1 to No. 10 in each of the tarot set’s four series. Each series represents different aspects of the personality. Arcana Minor deals with the concrete physical reality, and contains knowledge about concrete subjects such as nature, geography, the laws of physics, mathematics, etc. Here, what happens on the physical plane is told. Sword no. 1 through 10 are in the Arcana Minor
The last 4 cards are Court cards. The Court cards are the four highest tarot cards in each of the four series. These cards are called Page, Knight, Queen and King. In other words, very similar to normal playing cards.
While the Major Arcana deals with the overall development we humans have to go through – and the Minor Arcana deals with the concrete physical reality – the court cards are about the interaction we have with other people, about human behavior, psyche and mind.
If a court card is drawn, it shows that mastery at a certain level has been realized and is applicable in the current situation. The Hoffkort’s series (Sword, Stick, Coins, Goblet) shows at what level of consciousness the championship takes place or is demonstrated.
The court cards can be seen as descriptions of sixteen human types, in the same way as the twelve zodiac signs (Western astrology), or the twelve animal signs (Chinese astrology). The court cards can thus be seen as a model that describes the typical thought and action patterns that each of the 16 personality types has.
These 16 personality types represent different aspects of the personality and are called the four physical masters (Coins), the four mental masters (Swords), the four emotional masters (Cups) and the four spiritual masters (Wands).
Based on our name, we are all associated with one of the 16 court cards, and it is said to be the fundamental quality we carry with us throughout our lives. To have a harmonious and happy life, we must be able to master all 16 challenges.
The swords symbolize the mental, conflicts within the person but also with others. Events and developments. From thought to action. In Swords you have the events, everything that stirs up and creates your reality, your everyday life for better or worse. There is a lot of power in these cards, they want things to move, change, grow.
Dominance of swords shows feelings and thoughts rather than action. Great mental activity and blockages.
Ace of Swords Strength
A new beginning in every way. Strong forces. Conversely disappointments and lost energy. Ace of Swords: The card with new possibilities in areas related to intelligence, thoughts, justice and logic. The card refers to success, courage and strength despite adversity. The card will also indicate a new idea or a change in attitudes.
2 Swords Relief
Concerns resolved. Reverse concerns were incorrectly resolved. Two swords stand for peace. A conflict is suppressed. You cannot handle everything and you do not care about conflicts that may exist. You accept a difficult situation without trying to change and influence.
3 Swords Conflict
Conflicts with oneself and others, possibly divorce. Loss. Reverse doubt, imbalance. Loss or grief. Three swords represent heartache, divorces, breakups and other forms of separation. The card indicates tears and inner pain. You want to be let down or hurt in a relationship.
4 Swords Energyless
Rest, possibly due to illness. Calm. Reversed Difficult to see ahead, possible long term illness. Four of swords stands for rest. This is your time to take a break. The card can also indicate necessary hospital stay or accidental illness.
5 Swords Stress
Cowardice and failures. Stress. Reverse relief, balance and the beginning of harmony. Five of Swords represents defeat. The card refers to unkindness, theft, cheating, crime, degradation, destruction, shame, loss, sneaky tactics, lies, gossip and malice. Not a good card.
6 Swords Freedom
Relief, freedom. Long journeys. Reverse Concern. Possibly planned trips that do not come to fruition. Six of swords stands for travel. It could be a holiday, a move or a trip to a foreign country. The card can also indicate meditation and studies.
7 Swords Freedom of Choice
Change of residence and work. Own choices to be made now. Short trips. Reversed Difficult to come by, deferred travel. Seven of Swords is about running away. You are a lone wolf who feels that you are more effective alone. The card can also signal theft. Maybe someone is stealing your ideas. The card also stands for secret plans.
8 Swords Limitation
Outside, sad and alone, lost with himself. Conversely relinquishes all responsibility, feels a sense of relief. Eight of Swords stands for limitations and for a seemingly impossible situation.
9 Swords Anxiety
Nightmares and worries. Anxiety and depression. Conversely Less accidents, involuntary loneliness. You swords represent despair. The card often has to do with rejection, and the fear of not being loved. Delays, disappointments, guilt, worries, fraud, failure, cruelty, illness, accidents and misfortunes are key words for 9 of Swords.
10 Swords Emptiness
Accidents, despair and loss, tired and exhausted. Reverse Violent change or standstill. Now you are at absolute rock bottom. Everything feels cruel, hopeless and unreasonably unfair. Things can’t get any worse. Something is clearly over. This ending is often painful and requires great understanding and great courage. Maybe someone is going behind your back. Be careful who you trust and think twice before signing anything.
Page of Swords Intensity
A message that means a change. A child who has a will of his own and manages to achieve something good with perseverance. Reversed plans that go wrong, problems with health. The opportunity for growth comes in the form of a dilemma, and you should take on the challenges even if you feel like it. It is very important to be truthful. Page of Swords Page can also refer to gossip, scandals, gossip, news, contracts, documents and new plans.
Knight of Swords Turbulence
Many events in one for better and for worse. A young intense man with his own goals. Reverse arguments and disappointments through unexpected events. Knight of Swords indicates changes in your life. There may be battles to be fought and enemies to be defeated with weapons in hand. The card stands for struggle, carelessness, irritation and struggle for justice.
Queen of Swords Consciousness
Clear thinking and new solutions. A woman who is intelligent and quick in action. Reverse gossip and false rumours. A false woman who does not keep her word. The Queen of Swords is used to being alone and relying on herself. She may be separated, divorced or widowed. Often the card refers to a cold, unattainable woman. The card is often a warning that one must not be deceived. The motives must be seen through, and the feelings must be put into words. The card can also indicate a learned woman in an important position.
King of Swords Agreement
Contracts that have to do with law or larger documents. Deal. A man who is sure of himself and has a strong position. Conversely A deal that does more harm than good. A violently dishonest man with lost control. King of Swords is intellectual, analytical, eloquent, fair, ethical, sensible and logical. He knows what he wants and how to express it. The card describes situations that have to do with judgment and information.
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